Low Tax Debt Tier 1 Leads: $5K-$9.9K in Taxes Owed

tier 1 tax debt leads

This is a new lead class that we are offering to tax companies. If you are interested in this type of lead, please fill out the contact form and check the box for "Text Leads $5K-$9.99K Tax Owed " and we will get back to you ASAP.

Our Low Tax Debt Tier 1 Leads are individuals or businesses that are currently seeking help with a tax problem and they owe between $5,000 and $9,999 in taxes. These people are seeking help because they cannot pay their taxes owed in full and are looking for other tax payment options. Sometimes these people will actually owe more than what they selected because they have multiple years of unfiled returns and do not know the actual amount owed and only select the amount they have been assessed with thus far.

tier one tax debt Leads Details

  • Individual or business owes between $5,000 and $9,999 in IRS and/or state taxes
  • These leads are 100% exclusive to you
  • Each lead is $15
  • Receive the lead real time after someone submits and online form requesting help

Sample Lead 1

 Smith, Shirley
 Home Phone
 Work Phone
 Email    ssmithsample@gmail.com
 Amt Owed
 $5,000 to $9,999
 Lead Notes
 Owe tax debt from 2006 that was not paid. I have now received a tax lien and my taxes have not been filed for the past 3 years
 State/Zip       NY/13331
 Tax Agency
 Post Date
 2012-01-28 12:48:00

Sample Lead 2

 Porter, Adam
 Home Phone
 Work Phone
 Email    aportersample@gmail.com
 Amt Owed
 $5,000 to $9,999
 Lead Notes
 I don't have enough funds to pay back taxes that I owe
 State/Zip       CA/92101
 Tax Agency
 Post Date
 2012-01-25 11:18:00



Additional Lead Classes Available

$1-$4,999 in Tax Debt (Text Leads)
Individuals that owe between $1 and $4,999 in taxes. People are actively searching for help with their problem.

$10,000+ in Tax Debt (Text Leads)
Our $10K+ text Leads are individuals or businesses that are currently seeking help with a tax problem and they owe $10,000+ in taxes. These people are seeking help because they cannot pay their taxes owed in full and are looking for help resolving their problem.

Tax Audit Leads (Text leads)
Individuals or businesses that are currently being targeted by an audit and are seeking help with representation and help with getting proper documentation together.

Tax Preparation/Unfiled Taxes (Text Leads)
Individuals or businesses that have not filed their taxes and are looking for help with filing. Many people have years of unfiled taxes. Leads are available year round.

Tax Debt Voice Leads
Calls sent directly to your call center. Callers have a variety of tax problems, mostly owe taxes and cannot pay in full.