Lead Prices For Exclusive Tax Leads

TaxDebtLeads.net only offers exclusive leads that are sent to our clients in real time. The methods we use only target clients that are actively seeking immediate help.

Lead Prices

Exclusive Text Lead $5K-$9.99K Debt: $15

Exclusive Text Lead $10K+ Debt: $105

Exclusive Voice Lead: $105

Exclusive Tax Audit Lead: $25

Exclusive Tax Preparation/Unfiled Taxes Lead (no taxes owed): $15


Exclusive Text Lead $5K-9.99K Debt: This lead is a real time lead that will be sent directly to your emai or CRMl within seconds of a potential client filling out an online form seeking help for their tax problem. The amount they owe in IRS and/or State taxes is between $5,000 and $9,999.

Exclusive Text Lead 10K+ Debt: This lead is a real time lead that will be sent directly to your email or CRM within seconds of a potential client filling out the online form seeking help for their tax problem. The amount they owe in IRS and/or State taxes is above $10,000.

Exclusive Voice Lead: This type of lead will be a customer calling you directly through our internal call tracking system. These calls are not pre-screened prior to being sent your way, so we only bill for phone calls that last greater than 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Exclusive Tax Audit Leads: Our tax audit leads are individuals that are currently being targeted by an audit and are seeking help with representation and help with getting proper documentation together. Sometimes these individuals will end up owing money after the audit and will need help with coming up with some type of settlement or payment plan option.

Additional Info on Buying Tax Leads

Sample Leads
See some samples of leads that we, or our partners, generate through approved online marketing methods.

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How to Effectively Buy Tax Leads

Lead buying has proven to be an effective mechanism for business expansion and profit. Understand how to run an effective campaign for your tax company